This game is terrible, I don't know how it was rated "good". Try using actual graphics instead of some crap outlined graphics. It look like you stole them from google images.
This game is terrible, I don't know how it was rated "good". Try using actual graphics instead of some crap outlined graphics. It look like you stole them from google images.
Well this game isnt very good, but i guess its okay for a first.
Overall: 2/5, 4/10
Graphics: 2/10. The graphics are horrible, no offence :)
Gameplay: 3/10. Its very simple, not much of a challenge.
Sound: 4/10. Its an okay song, but it just loops
Story: 0/10. theres no story.
Ya i was thinking of adding a story but couldn't really come up with one that wasnt corny or stupid.
AWESOME! some suggestiosn...
really awesome, you should add medals, and maybe some more nazi zombie-ish things like random weapon box. you should also make number 2 with the new nazi zombie map :P
just on thing... it needs a castle crasher :O but this is awsome!
THIS IS the best idea ever lol its so fun (SPOLIER #32 Get off your seats: Stand on one block and hold the jump button for 10 seconds.)
Really good
Other people are so harsh, don't listen to them. this is a really good tutorial.
Joined on 10/1/08